Does anyone really think anymore what the qualities of a good friend are? Or do they just think that since a person is "cool" they would make a good friends. I've been through a few groups of friends of the years and the thing that I realized is, what makes a good friend is someone who will listen to you and will always be there for you. When I think about the friends I made in my life I think how close I used to be with some of them. Then things just happen and the friendship I have with them just began to crumble in front of my eyes. About a year ago I had a friend, and trust me we were INSEPRABLE! Every other weekend we would sleep over each others houses and I trusted her with anything. Then we went to different high schools and our friendship just deteriorated. I was crushed. I cried and cried and cried about how our friendship was over. I came to the realization that she wasn't really my friend because a true friend would NEVER stop being your friend.
I have also come to realize that I can trust only a few people. Over the years though I have made at least one friend that I know I will have for life. I've been friends with her since 1st grade and over the years we haven't become distant, and we hang out on a daily basis. I have a trust issue. I can't trust anyone and as all of my friends know they can never tell me anything becasue I have the Biggest mouth ever! People know that they only tell me things if they want everyone to know! Well I guess I don't even know what a true friend is, but when I do figure out this whole thing, You all will be the first ones to know
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